Kierrätetystä materiaalista valmistettuja turvaveitsiä ja leikkureita
Keraamiset veitset ja terät
Elintarviketeollisuuden veitset
Slice keraamiset turvaveitset
Vaihdettavat terät
Elintarviketeollisuuden työvälineet, metallinilmaisimella havaittavat
Yoyot ja avainperät
Käytettyjen terien säilytyslaatikot
Kortinpidikkeet ja kaulanauhat
Tuulilasi- ja aurinkopaneeli- teollisuuden turvaveitset
Korkealaatuiset skalpellit ja terät
Muut turvatuotteet
Muut veitset ja työvälineet
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Pyydä tarjous
Automatic blade retraction – a high degree of safety
The automatic blade retraction of the SECUNORM SMARTCUT guarantees a very high degree of safety from cut injuries. As soon as you have started to cut, take your thumb off the slider. The blade can thus withdraw back into the handle immediately after leaving the material being cut.

All highlights at a glance.

One use, two advantages
The SECUNORM SMARTCUT is a disposable cutter. For you, that means: no risk of injury when changing the blade. The blade will also not get lost in the production process.

Slider on both sides
With the right hand? With the left hand? This question does not arise. Because we have fitted the SECUNORM SMARTCUT with a slider that is accessible from both sides. Choose for yourself!

Light and easy
At only 17 g, the SECUNORM SMARTCUT is a genuine light weight. This also contributes to quick and efficient cutting. Without hands and arms getting tired.

Perfect handling
The product does not only look handy. Its small, rounded handle really does sit comfortably in your hand. And there’s much more: So that your thumb doesn’t slip, the slider has grooves.

You can’t lose it
As compact as the SECUNORM SMARTCUT is - there is an eyelet for tethering the cutter to you or the work station.
Available printing areas
Room for your ideas: The blue marked surface is the area which you can use for your communication (values in mm).
Front side

Order number | 110000.02 |
Packaging unit | 1 in single unit box (20 knives in multipack) |
Measurements (L x W x H) | 110 x 12.5 x 25 mm |
Weight product | 17.2 g |
Cutting depth | 11.6 mm |
Basic material | Plastic |
GS-Certificate | S 60077225 |
Article No | 110000 |
Material | Plastic |
Blade change | No |
Stainless steel | Yes |
Detectable | No |
Color | Blue/Black/White |
Food safe | No |
Order number | 110000.02 |
Measurements | 110x12.5x25 mm |
Weight product | 17.2 g |
Cutting depth | 11.6 mm |
Replacement blade | No |
Packaging unit | 1 in single unit box (20 knives in multipack) |
GS-Certificate | S 60077225 |