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Turvaveitsi Martor SECUPRO MAXISAFE

14.09 €
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Martor Secupro Maxisafe

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SECUPRO MAXISAFE on turvaveitsi johon turvallisuuteen ja käytettävyyten on todellakin panostettu. Terä ajautuu automaattisesti sisään kun veistä nostetaan leikattavasta pinnasta, riippumatta onko työntekijällä kahva sisäänpainettuna vai ei. Tämä turvallisuusfunktio etsää käyttäjää teippaamasta triggeriä jotta terä olisi ulkona koko ajan. Turvaveitsen terä on pyöreäpäinen joka lisää turvallisuutta leikattaessa.

Terää saa ulos joko työntämällä kahvaa vasemmalta tai oikealta, veitsi sopii siis oikea ja vasenkätisille sekä ylhäältä käsin.

Turvaveitsi on vankka, tehty korkeanlaatuisesta kovasta muovista ja varustettu metallisella päällä joka estää veitsen etukulman kulumista. Leikkuusyvyys on 1,6 cm joten paksummatkin pahvit leikkaantuu hyvin.

Terää on helppo vaihtaa, nappia painamalla. Veitseen on saatavana erinlaisia teriä, kysy meiltä lisää!

All highlights at a glance.

Ergonomic handle

The plastic handle now sits even better in the hand thanks mainly to the new shape of the knife's back. The slider and blade change button have also been improved for efficient operation.

3-sided slider

From the right? From the left? From above? Regardless of how you want to activate the blade, all options are available with the SECUPRO MAXISAFE. What's more, the 3-sided slider is now grooved for better grip.

At the press of a button

Your two hands alone are enough to change the blade. And these short instructions: press the blade change button and swing open the handle. Push the blade carrier to the front and you can change the blade. It’s that easy.

No abrasion

SECUPRO MAXISAFE is not afraid of a little friction. A metal abrasion protection cap, found on the underside of the knife head, works to prevent any general wear and tear as you cut your path through the day.

Double-edged blade

Don't change your blade the moment the tip turns blunt. Double the usage time of your blades and minimize wastage by always remembering to flip them over. Don't forget: there are two sides to every blade!

Fully automatic blade retraction – a very high degree of safety

The fully automatic blade retraction of the SECUPRO MAXISAFE guarantees a very high degree of safety from cut injuries. The blade withdraws into the handle the moment it leaves the material being cut. Even when the slider is being held forward.

Article No10150610
Size148 x 18 x 42mm
Weight66 g
MaterialGlass fibre reinforced plastic
Blade changeYes
Stainless steelYes
Food safeNo
Order number10150610.02
Cutting depth16 mm
Replacement bladeSee webstore
Packaging unit1 in single unit box (10 in multipack)